Pamela Butt 色情影片
In 2007, she appeared in the humorous TV show Sem Controle of Sistema Brasileiro de Televisu00c3u00a3o. She received further mainstream media coverage in the following year, thanks to a video with her and footballer Vu00c3u00a1gner Love leaked to the Internet. She has been a prominent star of the channel Sexprivu00c3u00a9 Brasileirinhas, an enterprise of the TV network Rede Bandeirantes.rnIn celebration of her 30th birthday, Brasileirinhas organized a gang bang with Pu00c3u00a2mela Butt and 30 Afro-Brazilian men including Kid Bengala. The event was later released on DVD with the title O Aniversu00c3u00a1rio de nossa Estrela.rnShe is a former escort. A contracted pornographic actress of Brasileirinhas, she also performed in a number of US productions shot in Brazil.